As final exams grace themselves on college campuses, stress comes along with it. There are many ways to cope with final whether it’s a comprehensive test or final project.
Here are a few suggestions on how to cope with finals week.
Being that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, make sure you eat something before you start studying for the morning whether it be a muffin, toast, or a full meal. Enjoy a light lunch, a hearty dinner and healthy snacks like fruit, nuts and pretzels in between if you get a little hungry.
Don’t forget to sleep! It’s just as important as studying. According to Florida Institute of Technology’s Counseling and Psychological Services, the quality of sleep is more important than the amount of sleep you get. Time the number of sleep you need by how you feel in the morning. Small 30 minute power naps are great for an instant boost of energy. Try sleeping in a quiet dark room to relax your mind while you sleep. Playing soft nature sounds from your phone are just as relaxing as well.
You’re just as important as your grades are. Take time to do what you love. Watch a funny podcast, catch up on downloading new music, tap into your inner artist, or hang out with friends. Any of these things will help you wind down a little and take your mind off of studying or finishing a project on time. However, limit me-time to a reasonable amount of time.
Running or walking around the block for 15 minutes in the morning can give you a great energy boost. You’ll feel refreshed, more alert and more eager to start your day. Running can trigger your endorphins, a feel-good chemical in our body. This trigger is known as “runner’s high”. Breathing exercises, stretching or yoga are other relaxing ways to bring your mind and body at peace.
Study with Friends.
Studying by yourself can be frustrating. Studying with friends or classmates can make you feel a lot better because you then realize you’re not the only one stressing out. You can learn other study skills from your peers and even have some fun doing it. Order a pizza or buy a load of your favorite snacks and have a study night.
Get Organized.
Prioritize and make a to-do list. Start your list with what’s the most important and what’s due first. Writing your notes in a way that’s easy to read and understand will help you obtain information better. As you complete a task, check it off and reward yourself. Once you have completed your list, you’ll feel more accomplished and more confident about facing finals.