As the election approaches, a majority of Morgan State University students will be eligible to cast their ballots for the next president of the United States; but some may not vote red or blue.
On Wednesday evening, Green Party Vice Presidential candidate spoke at Morgan for a forum entitled “Justice or Else Gets Political.” The talk was hosted by Prof. Jared Ball of the School of Global Journalism and Communication and sophomore Jeremy Collins. The Student Government Association helped organize the event, with F.U.T.U.R.E. and Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. co-sponsoring the event.

Photo by Akira Kyles.
Baraka, who is the running mate of the Green Party’s Presidential candidate Jill Stein, spoke on Black Lives Matter in politics, the Green Party, and addressed questions from the audience.
“What’s being raised by [Black Lives Matter] are questions that go to the heart of what this country is supposed to be about,” said Baraka. “The movement is exposing the nature of democracy in this country, it is exposing the reality of real race relations, here, in this country.”
At one point the audience was asked if they knew what the Green Party was and only a small amount raised their hands. Baraka explained not only what the Green Party is but also some of the policies they stand for.
“The Green Party is a third party formation that’s been around for a few decades that’s committed to providing an alternative to the people,” said Baraka. “One of its’ major focuses is reconnecting people with mother earth, reversing the environmental degradation that’s taken place here on this planet; it is committed to radical politics, progressive politics, politics that says that we need to have real democracy here in this country.”
Sheena Williams, a sophomore political science and business management major, is an independent and has decided that the Green Party will have her vote in November.
“I heard about Jill Stein probably last year, they’re [The Green Party] very radical,” said Williams.