Countdown to 154: The Finale
In the final episode of Countdown to 154, the Spokesman staff gave a run-through of Morgan’s homecoming and the events throughout the week.
Jewel Champbell, Jah'I Selassie, Trae Mitchell, Kayla Ray, and Thalya Baptiste

October 28, 2021
As homecoming season comes to a close, The Spokesman Speaks concludes its ‘Countdown to 154’ podcast with an analysis of Morgan State University’s homecoming.
Hosted by managing editor Trae Mitchell, Countdown to 154: The Finale walks through the university coronation, homecoming concert, pep rally and final day of homecoming.
Mitchell spoke with Spokesman staff members Thalya Baptiste, Kayla Ray and Jah’I Selassie about their encounters during homecoming week.
Tune into the final episode of Countdown to 154 and stay tuned for a future podcast with The Spokesman Speaks.