Today, it is believed that the majority of America’s youth are consumed with social media networks such as Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook. However, William Blake, Henry A. Wise High Schools’ ninth grade assistant principal, believes that these social media outlets are capable of educating students. “If we use the resources they are intrigued by for educational pruposes, we can engage them to a whole nother level,” he says.
Henry A. Wise High School (Wise), located in Upper Malboro, Md., is one of the largest, top academically achieving high schools in Prince Georges County. The school recently inducted 27 of its students into the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS). Along with the work that he puts into his job as an assistant principal, Blake is also a valuable asset within the community.
Upon graduating from Morgan in 2007, Blake and a group of friends turned a group they started called The Fellaz, into a non-profit organization called the The Fellaz Youth Foundation. The group holds events in and around the metro area and mentors a number of middle and high school students.
“Today the kids look up to guys like Lil Wayne and Chief Keef, but we definitely need more positive black men to be an example for our youth,” says Blake. “Todays youth are very creative and innovative. They are the future, they just need strong educators and role models that they can look up to.”
Blake believes that social media can be a powerful tool in educating youth and will likely keep them engaged in the classroom. “Students are bored in class and we have to try to use things that they are intrigued by,” says Blake. Today’s youth are growing up during a time when technology is constantly changing and more teachers are being made to incorporate it into their lessons. Blake has taken steps to connect with his students by creating and managing Wise’s Twitter and Instagram pages to ensure that students stay aware of school and county events.
Students at Wise seem to love his energy and the passion that he puts into his job. “He keeps students close to him. They can come and talk to him about anything, he’s a great assistant principal,” says Amber Connley, a senior at Wise who is also a member of the National Honor Society and a band dancer. “He does a lot of fun activities and he has the ability to relate to the students.”
Denise Bush • Mar 7, 2013 at 2:49 pm
Congratulations in advocating what we have to accept is now – the “Way of Life”. Join in and learn. We need training for our teachers and for our students’ parents. These groups are intimidated by the hype of possible online bullying and allowing students to explore the unknown. I understand their is a risk, but their are too many advantages. We have to teach our kids right from wrong. It is our duty and responsibility. To turn our heads and say no you cannot have an instagram account is opening doors to defiance.
As a mother of 4 beautiful young daughters, and an Assistant Principal, I feel it is our duty to learn what we can so we can not only monitor our students/kids access to social networking but help they learn the tools that can help them in today’s society. They will have the chance – yes freedom to express themselves but in the same breath educate themselves about the world around us.
I have a facebook account, instagram account, follow several Blog sites and twitter account…my husband no, but he is not the educator. You have to get uncomfortable to get comfortable. Join me as this is not going away.
Albert Lewis • Mar 6, 2013 at 5:54 pm
As a former editor of the Spokesman, MSU Alum, and current teacher in PGCPS, I am proud of my friend and colleague Will Blake. He is a trendsetter in every sense of the word and his work will eventually lead schools and school districts to achieve highly. His work with social media and how he reaches out to students is something that current teachers should take note of.