Black History Month 2022: A Look at Morgan’s Past
Spokesman staff members compiled a photo essay with historical pictures captured in the Spokesman and Promethean yearbooks.
Spokesman staff members compiled a photo essay with historical pictures from the late 1990s and early 2000s captured in the Spokesman and Promethean yearbooks.
February 18, 2022
In honor of Black History Month, staff members discovered different archives from past Spokesman newspapers and Prometheans to create a photo essay that symbolizes Morgan’s history.
These photos embody the historical past of Morgan State University over the years taken by the Spokesman.
With photos from the late 1990s and early 2000s, some of Morgan’s traditions found in these photographs still remain at the university to this day.
The Spokesman’s archives contains photos ranging from milestone events, homecomings, sports and more.
Morganities presented a ‘united front’ at the student organization fair in 1995. Similar to the modern day organizational fairs hosted by the Office of Student Life and Development, students were able to browse the multitude of organizations offered on campus accompanied by music and hundreds of students in the ballroom.
In 1998, Morgan student Ralph Jones attended the Congressional Census of 1998 in Washington DC. He participated in the “Image of the African American Male in the Media” panel at the caucus. Jones was joined by Congressman Elijah Cummings who convened the conference. Jones (fourth from the left) is pictured next to Cummings.
The November 1998 edition of the Spokesman took readers back to highlights of homecoming that year. The spread features pictures of the football game, homecoming concert, coronation, students on campus fans in the crowd and former Morgan State President Earl S. Richardson.
Morgan State University’s radio station, WEAA, hosted a town hall meeting on Black Family Values during Black History Month. The radio station held the forum to promote education, politics, relationships and economics within the Black community.
1997 Summer Spokesman Edition: ‘Morgan Moves About’ as Morganites wrapped up their academic year in 1997. In this summer edition of the Spokesman, editors compiled a spread of photos to commemorate their year of campus life.
A member of the Morgan Varsity M Club showed her Bear Pride during a football game. This woman shows great sportsmanship for as she supports the 2005 football team.
Members of the Magnificent Marching Machine granted their halftime performance at a 2005 football game. Like the M3 Band today, their performances demonstrate the power and energy of the Morgan State Spirit.
In 2005, Morgan’s bowling team joined Bethune Cookman and the University of Maryland-Eastern Shore as the only other MEAC schools included among the nation’s Top 10, according to the 2005 Promethean. The women pictured from left are Heather Kilgore, Sherita Johnson, Tara Slocum, Katrina Simms, Ashley Kilgore, and Ernestine Yaraborough.
The day after the 2008 election, the Spokesman released a new copy honoring President Barack Obama’s election win naming him the 44th president of the United States. As the first Black president in the country, Obama’s election made history in several ways. Prior to the 2020 election, his election was the most votes received by a presidential candidate with 69.5 million votes.