A letter to my generation: I’m disappointed
We owe it to everyone else to think beyond ourselves, Gen Z.
Brianna (right) poses with her mother Trina Murray (middle) and brother Shane Taylor (left) at her grandmother’s 80th birthday party.
March 27, 2020
On March 10, news broke that the spring semester of my junior year of undergrad would transition online until the coronavirus (COVID-19) was reassessed in April.
With my back against the wall of my best friend’s bedroom, I—like most people my age, thanked the universe for the break I thought I wanted.
What I didn’t know is that—in a matter of days—the nation would morph into an unrecognizable frenzy.
Seventy-two hours later, I canceled my spring break plans, packed what is now an insufficient amount of clothes and drove 44 miles back home to Prince George’s County.
Confused and anxious—my nerves began to unravel the night of March 17 when Morgan State released a statement that confirmed rumors of the suspension of face-to-face instruction.
“We are extending online/remote learning instruction beyond the previously announced two-week interim period, thus officially ending face-to-face instruction for the remainder of the semester,” University President David Wilson said in a statement addressed to the student body.
I sobbed in my childhood bedroom.
Although my life had been forcibly placed on hold and I felt a strong sense of displacement—my mind reverted to those in a worse position.
I was devastated for my brother, a high school senior, who won’t experience his prom in an obscenely overpriced suit.
I was heartbroken for Morgan’s graduating class of 2020, for which the final weeks of their undergrad experience were snatched, and their graduation date remained unclear.

Brianna leans as her grandmother Lucy Murray whispers to her.
I grew anxious for my 80-year-old grandmother, whose life was packed in an inadequately sized suitcase and was driven over 100 miles to another state to live for a period that has begun to feel indefinite.
I was frustrated that my boyfriend was forced to take leave without pay to protect both himself and his family in New York, a state with over 20,000 reported COVID-19 cases and a growing number of deaths.
Then—I became angry.
As I shuffled through my peers’ social media, I learned that many were traveling and gathering in large groups in an attempt to salvage their ‘Spring Break’ regardless of the cost.
My generation—Generation Z—has been labeled by society as the group to potentially prolong the pandemic and yet, we’ve chosen to not care about anyone but ourselves.
Was it worth it to post a photoshopped image of yourself on the beach or vlog your airport adventure in a face mask—your poor attempt to show the world you care as you board an empty flight to a warmer destination?
We—and I am only using the word “we” because I, unfortunately, don’t have the luxury of detaching from my generation when I see fit, continue to make selfish decisions that put others at risk.
No, you don’t need to order clothes during a worldwide crisis because no one will see your latest online purchase. You will survive without your weekly wine nights, weekend bar-hop adventures and Sunday brunches.
This is a time to be home with your loved ones who had been badgering you for not visiting more often. It’s a time to realign your priorities, reassess goals, obligations—and rest.
It’s a scary time that shouldn’t be filled with additional anxiety so let’s be the proactive generation that I know we are and do our part.
Your grandparents will thank you.
ClaraMae • Apr 1, 2020 at 1:56 pm
I could visualize every word that I was reading. Every word she wrote was from the heart. It was very clear and understandable. I wish that more young people would do and think like that. I wanted to read more.I was like watching a great movie, at the end you just sit there waiting for more.
Jacqueline Medley • Mar 30, 2020 at 5:57 pm
Awesome job and well said.
Valerie P. Moore • Mar 30, 2020 at 4:03 pm
Hey Brianna,
WOW!!! Little did I know you had this intense magnetic writing ability. I’ve heard it from your grandmother but I’ve never witnessed it personally. Your article hit home base as a marker for Generation Z and for us all. We need you on the front lines educating and changing the way people think . Take full control of your writing power and change our world. Great article I’m looking forward to reading greater works. Let all generations WAKE UP and stay WOKE. God bless you Brianna❤️
Carl Jackson • Mar 30, 2020 at 12:03 pm
As a senior at Morgan, not by class status but by age, Morgan is the place to be for the pursuit of Intellectual Excellence. Brianna, You are a Bright Example of Morgan’s Legacy. Article well Written!!!!
Sandra G • Mar 30, 2020 at 10:33 am
Well written Brianna! I appreciate your insight and compassion. It is refreshing to know that students like yourself are on the path to making an impact and showing the world that you have a vision for the future. When you put pen to paper, no one can ignore you…WORDS DO HAVE POWER.
Continue to speak through the written word.
Peace and Blessings
Garry Murray • Mar 30, 2020 at 10:20 am
You were able to truly put this crisis into such compassionate context. Yes, we are our brothers/sisters keeper and we need to hold one another to a higher standard. With your generation leading the way there is hope. Keep writing from the heart, reaching for the stars and you feet on the ground. I very proud of your growth and development as a writer and as human being.
Love you,
Uncle G
D. Felder • Mar 30, 2020 at 10:00 am
You hit great points on the head… Thank you for sharing
Kathryn Tennessee Dyson • Mar 30, 2020 at 9:58 am
Well-written Brianna! The words you expressed have touched my heart and make me proud of the MSU journalism skills you have developed. MSU has prepared you to enter your profession in a way to make your readers pay attention to what you have to say. Peace and blessing to you in what ever your endeavors will be next. I know you will do well.
Joseph Q • Mar 30, 2020 at 7:13 am
Great article. Great points!!!!
T. Reid • Mar 29, 2020 at 4:00 pm
Hopefully your words will inspire others to be the storytellers that they are training to become.
Well done.
Rosemarie Igbo • Mar 29, 2020 at 1:26 pm
Thought provoking and very insightful article… Hope others heed your words of wisdom! Well said Brianna!
Stella Bulimo • Mar 29, 2020 at 12:28 pm
Well done… Brianna…shared with my son who is also a generation “Z” and he loved the article… keep up the good work!! BTW your dad is one of the most distinguished and honorable men I know. It’s no wonder you are so talented!!
Julianita Alexander-Nwachukwu • Mar 29, 2020 at 11:15 am
Well said Brianna. Keep up the great work.
Brian Taylor • Mar 29, 2020 at 10:32 am
I am so proud to be your Dad…
This is the most “Captivating” article you’ve written so far!! I have read them all. It’s suspenseful, insightful, honest and hard-hitting.
You are becoming a stronger writer/ You’ve captured my imagination and kept me in the moment. I’m a Baby-boomer, and that’s exactly what I thought when I turned on the news and seen Gen Z on Spring break in Florida..That they’d become carriers and bring this unforgiving virus home to their parents or grandparents who are more vulnerable.
Most Gen Zs are caring and thoughtful, but for those who aren’t, hopefully they’ll read this and become more accountable.
Thank You
Love, Dad
Letisha • Mar 29, 2020 at 8:36 am
Robin Gray • Mar 29, 2020 at 2:14 am
Ms. Taylor, your article speaks volumes! It is shines a perfect light on what is happening all around us. We love our Generation Z and want all of you to think and act responsibly so that you can continue to move towards your dreams and aspirations. Thank you for giving all of us something to be guided by. Be safe, stay healthy and we look forward to welcoming everyone back soon.!
Darlyn Dyson • Mar 28, 2020 at 10:25 pm
Thank you for writing this, Brianna. As a non-traditional college at Morgan and millennial, I am hoping that my Gen Z peers will remain healthy during this pandemic.
LaMonte Summers • Mar 28, 2020 at 10:05 pm
Kudos for an unwavering critique and self-examination within the context of a devastating pandemic. Continue being a voice of conscious, reason and commitment in pursuit of your career goals and in life.
Be well,
LaMonte Summers
Dr. Pratt-Harris • Mar 28, 2020 at 9:15 pm
Thank you for sharing. The good news is that a majority of your peers are more like you than the world has acknowledged. More need to share, as you have. God bless you and your family.
Trina Taylor • Mar 28, 2020 at 9:03 pm
Brianna joy, as your mother I saw this sense of consciousness and awareness from the time you were about five years old. You asked, if we could take a homeless man home with us.
That unwavering fire and need to help has not flickered. I’ve said it your whole life,everything you touch turns to gold.
Keep reaching, keep teaching and keep loving people. Words are powerful! Continue to use them Change the world!
Ena G • Mar 28, 2020 at 8:48 pm
Exceptionally written expression of the devastating newness that is taking place and the effect it is truly having on our academic career, lives and world as we know it. Selflessness is definitely needed in this time; my hope is that other will get it.
Dr. Kimberly Reaves • Mar 28, 2020 at 8:29 pm
Well said young lady!
Dr. Clement Anyadike • Mar 28, 2020 at 7:33 pm
I thank you so much for your sense of understanding and ability to discern right from wrong. You truly said it all, some members of your “Generation Z” as you put it are much more concerned about their pleasure and gratification and careless about others. Thanks for being an exception. I have a daughter who reasons like you and she is home spending this moment of uncertainty with me and other members of my family.
Remain blessed.
Denise A Smith • Mar 28, 2020 at 5:37 pm
You are an incredibly talented, wise young lady! I’m a proud Morgan alumnae,( and now a staff member), long before you were born so big Bear hug goes to u?
I’m always so thankful to know that compassionate, loving future Morganites are paying attention to their future and mine. I know there are many more “Gen Z’s like u out there, but I applaud your courage to voice your passion. Keep up the important work you do!
Bear Love forever?♥️♥️
Carolyn M. Williams • Mar 28, 2020 at 5:19 pm
Thank you for your words of wisdom. A lot of young people are not taking this situation we find ourselves in seriously. It’s nice when you hear from a younger person.
Perhaps some of our young people will listen to you.
Thanks and be safe.
Sharif Uddin • Mar 28, 2020 at 5:12 pm
Thank you, Brianna, for your excellent thoughts. Your argument is correct for this time. We need patience. We need to love ourselves and to take care of others.
Urban Ed. Leadership
Ms. Collins • Mar 28, 2020 at 4:21 pm
Well said young lady.
Funmi and Peter • Mar 28, 2020 at 4:09 pm
Great article! Yes, spending time with your family is very needed during these times. I also think, in times like this, it is very important to run back to our Creator- God who sits on the throne. Jesus is the answer to all life’s problems. I assure you, he will give you peace here on earth and in Heaven. All you have to do is believe that yes He died and rose again to reconcile us back to our Father so we can live forever in peace. Because earth will surely pass away, but where would you spend eternity?
Paul Van Cleef • Mar 28, 2020 at 3:53 pm
Well said Brianna! I am Proud of you ? You are and will continue to be a great journalist Keep speaking Truth and doing the right thing even when the right thing is the difficult thing! stay Strong ??
SteeDiggs • Mar 28, 2020 at 3:53 pm
Wonderfully said. #MSU
Aunya • Mar 28, 2020 at 3:50 pm
Thank you! As a Morgan State Alumna, I can only imagine the pain of missing those senior events and the amazing Spring semester culture. I thank you because you recognize that hard decisions were made. You were able to feel upset, but pick yourself up and let generation z know that they need to be responsible for their actions. You are truly a wonderful young woman and I commend you.
Carolyn M. Williams • Mar 28, 2020 at 3:49 pm
Thank you for your words of wisdom. A lot of young people are not taking this situation we find ourself in seriously. It’s nice when you hear from a younger people.
Perhaps some of our young people will listen to you.
Thanks and be safe.
Taiwo • Mar 28, 2020 at 3:47 pm
This was a really great write-up. There’s so much to think about
David Wilson • Mar 28, 2020 at 4:46 am
Thank you, Ms. Taylor, for reminding your generation—and indeed all of us, that we have an obligation to the collective good of all.
Please stay healthy and stay focused. I’m looking forward to welcoming you and all of our Morgan family back home to our National Treasure soon.
Proud of you!
President Wilson
Korey Matthews • Mar 27, 2020 at 3:54 pm
Great article